In general terms, Health, Safety and Environment
(HSE) is regulations, methods and processes designed to help protect workers,
the environment and the public from any kind of harm. In essence, HSE management system plays an
important role in reducing risk, creating a culture that attaches importance on
health and safety and supports the continuous improvement of all business
HSE Documentation kit based on ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 |
No matter how small or large the
organizations are, employees can work in any field of industry and will
face workplace dangers that can threaten their health and safety. Behind this
all, it’s essential that you provide HSE training to your workers and update their knowledge on a regular
basis. Also in addition, a well-designed and
executed health safety environment (HSE) training is good for business as well
as being a key legal and social obligation. With this ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 training, your end will be an
Environmental, Health & Safety Management System that works for you and
helps your company continually to improve its processes.
- A way to control and distribute up-to-date HSE Documents: Every HSE system requires a way to distribute up-to-date HSE documents to the right people. Creating protocols in this area helps to make sure that employees always have access to current and correct safety information.
- Safety Inspection checklists: The quality of inspections for a baseline establishment no matter who is performing them, can decrease the amount of time it takes to perform inspections, and improving or declining over time to provide data on areas of safety.
- Risk Assessments: Risk assessments are a successful OHSMS that help you to protect employees from potential harm, and protect business from potential fines and lawsuits. Including the HSE systems, and regularly updating your distributed documents for known or potential risk hazards, can greatly reduce injuries and risk.
- Energy response plan: The requirement for OSHA emergency response plans to include how to report an emergency, evacuation procedures and assembly points, procedures to shut down project operations, rescue and medical duties.
- Training program and documentation system: Employee safety training programs can include fire, tornado, and earthquake drills, accident simulations, etc. While there are no requirements of OSHA documentation of all types of training, and it's a best practice to keep documentation.
- Internal audit policy and Schedule: In HSE Management systems, Health and safety audits are another great way to ensure compliance with safety laws. HSE Documentation from audits can be used to compare improvements and issues from year-to-year, identify trends and create new safety initiatives based on audit data.
- List of Laws and Health, Safety regulations for compliance: This can be beneficial to display additional health and safety law and regulation information in the same space to encourage employee awareness and compliance.
- Experience HSE Team: HSE professionals focus on preventing accidents and injuries, implementing proper guidelines and regulations, and ensuring compliance. In the workplace on a day-to-day basis, health and safety team is a key to ensure that your QHSMS is being properly implemented.
- Measurable performance metrics: To improve the business bottom line, and HSE departments are no exception. These performance metrics help identify areas that need improvement, as well as trends over time.
Following are Key performance indicators for health, safety, and environment include:
- Lost Time Rate (LTR)
- Total Accident Rate (TAR)
- Accident Severity Rate (ASR)
- Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)
- Experience Modification Rate (EMR)
- Working Days Since Last Incident
- Regular meetings and strategy of communicate: Making schedule for health, safety, and environment staff is a key for reviewing current HSE strategies and successfully implementing new initiatives for OHSMS. An HSE staff meetings on a weekly basis, and ensure to assign a meeting leader and prepare an agenda to ensure efficient and effective meetings.
- Regular Management review: An HSE management system needs to be reviewed to verify that current goals are being met and new initiatives are being put in place and practiced, the opportunity for discussion between safety personnel and upper management is helpful to give areas of improvement and brainstorm new ideas.
For HSE Documentation, Global Manager Group provides implementation of HSE
Management System satisfies all the issues related to health safety and
environment with ISO 14001:2015 (EMS) and ISO 45001:2018 (OH&SMS)
requirements. Basic
requirements of HSE standard are perfect hse manual for ISO 14001:2015
& ISO 45001:2018 integrated management system.